Agreement without Term

Agreement without Term: What it Means for Your Business

When it comes to business agreements, it’s important to have all terms explicitly spelled out and agreed upon by all parties involved. However, there are certain circumstances where an agreement without term may be entered into. This type of agreement is also known as an “evergreen” contract or a “rolling” contract.

What is an Agreement Without Term?

An agreement without term is a contract that does not have a specific end date. Instead, it continues until one party provides notice to terminate the agreement. This type of agreement is often used for ongoing services, such as maintenance, support, or subscription-based services.

Benefits of an Agreement Without Term

There are several benefits to using an agreement without term:

1. Flexibility: With an agreement without term, both parties have the flexibility to adjust the terms of the contract if necessary. This is particularly useful for businesses that may experience fluctuations in demand for their services.

2. Continuity: An agreement without term ensures that services are provided on an ongoing basis, which can help maintain continuity and consistency for both parties.

3. Cost-Effective: Since an agreement without term is ongoing, it eliminates the need to negotiate and sign a new contract each time services are required. This can save both parties time and money.

Potential Risks of an Agreement Without Term

While there are benefits to using an agreement without term, there are also potential risks to be aware of:

1. Lack of Clarity: Without a specific end date, it can be difficult to determine when the contract will terminate. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and potential disputes down the line.

2. Changing Circumstances: Since an agreement without term is ongoing, changing circumstances may require a modification of the contract terms. Both parties need to ensure they are communicating regularly and updating the contract as necessary.

3. Difficulty Terminating Agreement: It may be difficult to terminate an agreement without term if both parties are not in agreement. This can lead to legal disputes and damage to business relationships.


An agreement without term can be a useful tool for businesses that require ongoing services. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks and potential complications that may arise. Both parties should communicate regularly and be willing to modify the contract as necessary to ensure a successful and beneficial business relationship.

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